I want to take a few minutes to reflect on what having a good woman and a good motorcycle means to me.
Happiness and comfort are two words that can't even describe how great it feels to have the best of both worlds. I'm not incredibly religious, but even I can recognize that I've been blessed. I've been married to my wife for 5 years, married to Caprica for 1. Before Caprica, I had my DRZ. I've had 2 great motorcycles, and it's only fair to assume the Triumph is going to be a great bike as well.

I have a wife that loves to ride with me, and honestly, you can't beat that. To know that you can hit the open road on a reliable motorcycle any time you want, and know that your woman wants to ride with you, it is a wonderful feeling. I treasure the moments we spend together on a bike. It's something I've always wanted, and I'm glad I can have it. Every rider needs a partner, someone to share experiences with, and who can just enjoy the road. When I feel her give me a squeeze as we're riding, it makes me so happy. I love my wife more than words can say. I hope she rides with me for as long as possible.
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