It's an issue that we as motorcyclists face - I want to style my hair, but I don't want to make my helmet disgusting.
It's easy to say "hair product is pointless if you're wearing a helmet, because you'll get helmet hair!". Well, yes, for many of us that is definitely true. Also, if you ride in an incredibly hot and humid climate (like Florida), it doesn't really matter what product you use, it's going to start melting and running everywhere, thus making your helmet (and you) completely disgusting.
While this is all true, I have found a good product for men that is strong enough to achieve a desired hair style, flexible enough for a quick re-styling after you take your helmet off, while simultaneously keeping the interior of your helmet free from residue.
Johnny B.'s Original Hair Pomade.
My barber put in the pomade one day after my haircut and I was a little upset because I just got a new helmet and I didn't want crap in it. She told me that if the product makes my helmet dirty on my way home, my next haircut would be free. So I hesitantly took her up on the challenge. It was maybe a 15 minute ride home. When I got there, my helmet was still clean inside, and I was able to re-stlye my hair with ease. But let it be known that this was in SPRING. So the humidity was low, and it wasn't more than 85 degrees outside.
Like I said earlier, using any petroleum based hair product during humid summer months will cause it to start running everywhere because your head is sweating. You can't stop that. The real issue is humidity. I'd be willing to test it in dry heat regions like Arizona or New Mexico. But when the humidity is low, Johnny B.'s is my choice.
I prefer the original pomade because it gives me the look I want. I'm not a fan of hair products that give the "wet look" or the incredibly stiff hair that cracks when you move it. This product makes hair looks natural, despite the purple color! Johnny B.'s has a great scent, as well.
That being said, I still don't wear any product during the summer months here in Florida when I ride. In fact, I can barely take the motorcycle out. The humidity is ridiculous. I long for the day when I can take the motorcycle for a ride in full gear without collapsing before I leave the neighborhood.
But overall, Johnny B.'s is my product of choice. It can be ordered online, or found at your local barbershop. What works for you? Let me know!